Getting your first job
In many countries there is currently a dearth of veterinary surgeons, and you may have various employment options once you graduate.
Blättner 박사는 베를린과 뮌헨에서 공부했으며 1988 년 졸업 한 후 자신의 작은 동물 연습을 시작하고 운영했습니다. 그런 다음 그녀는 오스트리아 린츠 대학교에서 교육 및 코칭에 대한 대학원 과정을 마친 후 수의사 및 수의 기술자에게 강의, 세미나 및 사내 교육. 그녀는 두 개의 수의학 저널을 편집 할뿐만 아니라 20 개 이상의 국가에서 수의사를 훈련하는 Royal Canin과 함께 작업합니다.
아래의 저자가 작성한 기사 및 발행호를 검색해보세요.
In many countries there is currently a dearth of veterinary surgeons, and you may have various employment options once you graduate.
Veterinary practice is being challenged as never before with the COVID-19 pandemic...
This last section focuses on the importance of teaching...
Vet practitioners frequently concentrate on the pet and forget about the owner…
Asking owners open-ended questions, especially at the beginning of a consultation...
As well as listening it is important to actively encourage the client to continue telling their story...
Inclusion of the communication skills in every day practice requires us to move beyond what we do...
One of the key skills in building relationships with others is the use of empathy...
“Know thyself”, Socrates said...
We are convinced that good communication with the pet owners and with the staff...
In the US, there are 3 times more suicides in the veterinary profession than in the average population...
Working as a vet practitioner clearly put us at risk of “compassion fatigue”, a very tricky and devastating disease...