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수의학 전문가를 위한 세계적인 수의학 저널
Emma Donnelly

Emma Donnelly

BSc, BVMS, Dip. ECVECC, MRCVS, Vets Now 24/7 Emergency & Specialty Hospital, Glasgow, UK

United Kingdom

Dr. Donnelly graduated from Glasgow University in 2013 before undertaking a rotating internship at the city’s Vets Now Clinic, a center dedicated to out of hours and specialist provision. During this time, she developed an interest in ECC, and she went on to complete a discipline-specific internship followed by a residency in ECC. She returned to Vets Now in 2020, where she currently works as an ECC consultant and residency supervisor, with her main areas of interest being neonatal and pediatric medicine.

집필진 Emma Donnelly

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