Міжнародний ветеринарний науково-практичний журнал для спеціалістів у галузі охорони здоров'я тварин
Veterinary Focus
Alice Savarese

Alice Savarese

BMedBiotech, DVM, PhD


Dr. Savarese graduated in Medical Biotechnology in 2009; after working as a researcher, she graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Milan in 2015. During her studies she spent one year at the University of Lugo, Spain. She holds a PhD in Veterinary and Animal Science with a thesis about Cardiorenal Syndrome. After working as a cardiologist and internal medicine specialist in different referral clinics, she joined Royal Canin in 2009 as Scientific Communication Specialist. She has a passion for teaching, research and spreading science.

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