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Veterinary Focus
Chiara Valtolina

Chiara Valtolina

DVM, PhD, Dip. ACVECC, Dip. ECVECC. Department of Small Animal Clinical Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands


Dr. Valtolina graduated in 2000 from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Milan and remained there as one of the team in the surgical department for some years before undertaking a residency in Emergency and Critical Care at London’s Royal Veterinary College. She attained diplomate status of the American College of Emergency and Critical Care in 2009 and followed this with her diploma from the European College of Emergency and Critical Care. Dr. Valtolina was awarded her PhD in 2019 with a thesis on aspects of feline hepatic lipidosis, and she currently works as senior lecturer in the intensive care unit at Utrecht’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

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