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Veterinary Focus
Fanny Bernardin

Fanny Bernardin

DVM, IPSAV, Dip. ECVIM, Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire (CHV), Atlantia, Nantes, France


Dr. Bernardin graduated from the National Veterinary School of Maison Alfort in 2007 and followed an internship in the USA before undertaking an internship in companion animal medicine and surgery at the University of Montreal. Her interest in internal medicine led her to return to France in 2009 to do an internship in internal medicine and also gained her CEAV diploma (Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Studies) in internal medicine. She then worked as a resident at private practices in Paris and Montpellier between 2015 and 2021 before moving to her current role with CHV in Nantes. A French and European specialist in internal medicine for companion animals, she is currently secretary of the Study Group in Internal Medicine (GEMI). She joined the IDEXX laboratory medical consultancy team in November 2020.

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