Worldwide medical and scientific journal for animal health professionals
Veterinary Focus
Christopher Fernandez-Prada

Christopher Fernandez-Prada

DMV, MSc, PhD, Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of Montreal, Canada

Dr. Fernandez-Prada is a veterinarian and molecular-parasitology researcher devoted to tackling zoonotic parasites. He holds an Associate Professor position at Université de Montréal (UdeM) – Veterinary College and is Director of the Animal Parasitology Diagnostic Lab at the university, and also serves as adjunct professor at the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University. His research is focused on the discovery of drug-resistance mechanisms, and the development of novel diagnostic tests and vaccines against protozoan parasites.

Contributions from Christopher Fernandez-Prada

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toxoplasma organism

Issue number 33.2 Published 27/09/2023

Feline toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is now known to have a worldwide distribution, and although the cat is the sole definitive host, the parasite can have significant implications for both human and animal health.

By Christopher Fernandez-Prada and Victoria Wagner