Międzynarodowe czasopismo medyczne i naukowe dla lekarzy weterynarii małych zwierząt
Veterinary Focus
Alice M. Rădulescu

Alice M. Rădulescu

DVM, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania


Dr. Rădulescu graduated in 1999 from Bucharest before going on to gain a master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2005. She is a founder and coordinator at the A&A Medical Vet Clinics in Bucharest, and is currently completing a PhD on the role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of heart disease. Her clinical interests center around cardiology and ultrasonography, and she is active in the promotion and development of veterinary medicine in Romania, being past Vice President of AMVAC/RoSAVA (Romanian Small Animal Veterinary Association) and a founding member and current president of ACVR (Romanian Association of Veterinary Cardiologists).

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