Międzynarodowe czasopismo medyczne i naukowe dla lekarzy weterynarii małych zwierząt
Veterinary Focus
Joanna Dukes-McEwan

Joanna Dukes-McEwan

BVMS(Hons), MVM, PhD, SFHEA, DVC, Dip. ECVIM-CA(Cardiology), FRCVS, Small Animal Teaching Hospital, University of Liverpool, UK

United Kingdom

Professor Dukes-McEwan graduated in 1986 from the University of Glasgow and remained there to do an internship and residency training. After a spell in general practice, she moved to Edinburgh Veterinary School as a lecturer and researcher, which resulted in her PhD in familial dilated cardiomyopathy in Newfoundland dogs. A Diplomate of the ECVIM, Professor Dukes-McEwan has been based at the University of Liverpool since 2004, where she is responsible for undergraduate cardiology teaching as well as being involved in clinical research, having authored or co-authored over 80 publications. She is the current chair of the cardiology specialty for ECVIM-CA and serves on their executive board, and was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2017 for meritorious contributions to clinical practice.

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Murmurs in cats with HCM most often result from left ventricular outflow tract obstruction

Numer wydania Data publikacji 13/10/2022

Kardiomiopatia przerostowa kotów w studium subklinicznym

Kardiomiopatia przerostowa (HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) jest powszechną chorobą mięśnia sercowego u kotów, jednak jej rozpoznanie bywa trudne. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wyczerpujący opis tej choroby i adresowany jest do lekarzy weterynarii pierwszego kontaktu.

przez Catheryn Partington i Joanna Dukes-McEwan