Revista médica e científica internacional dedicada a profissionais e estudantes de medicina veterinária.
Veterinary Focus
Jordan M. Hampel

Jordan M. Hampel

DVM, Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Illinois, USA

United States

Dr. Hampel received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Illinois in 2020 and then went on to complete a rotating small animal internship at Michigan State University. She returned to the UIUC to further advance her training as an oncology-dedicated clinical trial intern, and is currently a resident in Medical Oncology and pursuing a Master of Science degree that focuses on targeted strategies to amplify the cytotoxic activities of ionizing radiation therapy.

Colaboração de Jordan M. Hampel

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hypercalcemia in companion animals

Número da edição33.3 Publicado 09/02/2024

Pathologic hypercalcemia in the dog

This paper looks at differential diagnoses and therapeutic management options when a dog is found to have elevated calcium levels.

por Jordan M. Hampel e Timothy M. Fan