Magazine scientifiques et médicaux internationaux pour les professionels de la santé animale
Veterinary Focus
Linda Toresson

Linda Toresson

DVM, Swedish Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine, PhD, Evidensia Specialist Animal Hospital, Helsingborg, Sweden


Dr. Toresson graduated from the Swedish University of Agricultural Science in 1995 and has worked at the Evidensia Specialist Animal Hospital in Helsingborg since 1996, serving as medical director of the unit from 2007 to 2013. She became a Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats in 2001 and a Swedish Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine in 2007. Between 2013-2018 she undertook a PhD in gastroenterology at Helsinki University, culminating in her thesis on oral cobalamin supplementation in dogs, and she still is affiliated with the university, with her current research focusing on fecal microbiota transplantation and bile acid diarrhea.

Contributions de Linda Toresson

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Transplantation fécale réalisée chez un chien debout

Numéro du magazine33.1 Publié 28/06/2023

Transplantation fécale lors de troubles gastro-intestinaux

La transplantation de microbiote fécal (TMF), ou transplantation fécale, commence à être une option intéressante pour traiter divers troubles gastro-intestinaux aigus et chroniques chez le chien.

par Linda Toresson