Revista médica e científica internacional dedicada a profissionais e estudantes de medicina veterinária.
Meg M. Sleeper
Meg M. Sleeper
VMD, Dipl. ACVIM (cardiology)
United States
Dr. Sleeper graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School cum laude and after becoming board-certified worked in the university’s cardiology department until 2015. She is currently clinical professor of cardiology at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, and has published numerous peer-reviewed original papers, over 50 review papers or case reports, and four books. Her primary research interests include hereditary heart diseases, in particular inherited cardiomyopathies, comparative cardiology and therapeutic gene transfer.
Colaboração de Meg M. Sleeper
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Número da edição29.1
Publicado 04/01/2021
Como abordar...Sopros cardíacos em filhotes felinos