Worldwide medical and scientific journal for animal health professionals
Veterinary Focus
Sarah E. Hoff

Sarah E. Hoff


United States

Dr. Hoff completed a Masters of Public Health in epidemiology prior to attending veterinary school at the University of Missouri. After graduation she spent three years in small animal general practice before pursuing specialization in dermatology. She is currently a third-year dermatology resident at Iowa State University.

Contributions from Sarah E. Hoff

Browse between the articles contributions from this author below.

Self-induced ventral alopecia, often with no obvious lesions, is a common presentation in cats with skin disease.

Issue number31.1 Published 07/04/2021

Feline cutaneous adverse food reactions

Owners are often keen to blame their cat’s diet if their pet develops a skin problem, but is this correct? In this article the authors discuss appropriate methods for the diagnosis and treatment of adverse food reactions.

By Sarah E. Hoff and Darren J. Berger