Being a good vet (Part 1)
“If your only tool is a hammer, all problems resemble a nail”. This section will stress the different factors required to make you a “good clinician”
Mark Moran é consultor para médicos-veterinários há 19 anos, fornecendo orientação empresarial e suporte para donos de clínicas veterinárias e seus funcionários. Seu trabalho envolve ajudar as clínicas veterinárias a criar ambientes de trabalho eficazes, com funcionários felizes, que atendam aos valores e expectativas da empresa. Ele tem um interesse especial na aplicação das práticas para melhorar a adesão de seus pacientes e tutores com as recomendações veterinárias, fazendo melhor uso dos sistemas de dados.
Navegue entre os artigos e publicações dos autores abaixo.
“If your only tool is a hammer, all problems resemble a nail”. This section will stress the different factors required to make you a “good clinician”
Most veterinarians are not comfortable when discussing fees, or when asked to "sell" something, but this is normal! This chapter offers a method which will allow you to prescribe or recommend products and services effectively.
It’s never too early to think about the future. For many young veterinary surgeons, their job is primarily the result of a passion for pets.
Understanding the various factors involved that contribute to the income and expenditure of a veterinary clinic is key for long-term success.
This part will cover the art of communication, especially when dealing with pet owners, because nothing is more frustrating than a lack of compliance when treating an animal.
Once you've accepted a post at a practice, you'll need to learn how to manage people. You'll also need to take care of yourself to avoid burn-out. This chapter tells you how.
Even the most skilful surgeon or physician needs a good team to succeed, and as a recent graduate you will certainly want others to help and support you.
In many countries there is currently a dearth of veterinary surgeons, and you may have various employment options once you graduate.