Worldwide medical and scientific journal for animal health professionals
Veterinary Focus

Issue number 34.2 Date Published 01/11/2024

Clinical pathology


Clinical pathology

Articles section

Issue number34.2 Published 04/10/2024

Canine round cell tumor cytology

Understanding the cytological features of canine round cell tumors is critical for a veterinarian to provide an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and effective therapeutic strategies to manage these conditions.

By Candice P. Chu

Issue number34.2 Published 18/10/2024

Lymph node cytology in practice

Needle biopsy of lymph nodes is commonly done in first opinion practice, but how good are you at interpreting the results? This article shows how to use this simple diagnostic procedure to best advantage.

By Kate A. Baker

Issue number34.2 Published 01/11/2024

Practical diagnostic cytology for practitioners

Cytology is highly effective for the diagnosis and assessment of various pathologies; this paper offers an overview of the technique and reviews the most common tumors found on cytological analysis.

By Peter J. O’Brien and Maria Balan

Issue number34.2 Published 15/11/2024

Hypercalcemia in cats

Feline hypercalcemia is commonly encountered in the clinic; this paper covers the diagnostic testing, clinical differentials, and management strategies for the condition.

By Jordan M. Hampel and Timothy M. Fan

Issue number34.2 Published 29/11/2024

Canine hematology FAQs

Blood samples for hematological analysis are taken many times daily in every small animal clinic, but the clinician should be aware of the various factors that can influence the results obtained.

By Josep Pastor

Issue number34.2 Published 13/12/2024

Laboratory evaluation of liver function

The liver is a complex organ, and the biomarkers we utilize to evaluate it overlap in terms of predictive value and clinical utility.

By Erica Behling-Kelly

Issue number34.2 Published 13/12/2024

Canine liver enzymes – FAQs

Blood sampling for assessment of liver status is an everyday occurrence in practice, but interpretation of the results can be more difficult than it first appears to be.

By Stefanie Klenner-Gastreich