Worldwide medical and scientific journal for animal health professionals
Veterinary Focus

Issue number Date Published 27/02/2023

Issue Pricing strategy in 2023

Issue Pricing strategy in 2023

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Pricing strategy in 2023

Articles section

Issue number Published 27/02/2023

Inflationary pressure: pricing strategy

This paper is one in a series of three articles written by specialists in veterinary management (alongside Antje Blaettner and Pere Mercader). It looks at the factors to take into account when considering a practice’s annual price list revision, especially when inflation rates are high.

By Philippe Baralon

Issue number Published 01/03/2023

Choosing the right price for your services

This article, which is part of a series looking at the business side of practice (written in conjunction with Antje Blaettner and Philippe Baralon), looks at the perception of veterinary prices – how do clients really see our fees, compared to how we think they see them?

By Pere Mercader

Issue number Published 02/03/2023

Discussing veterinary fees with pet owners

This article (one of a series, authored with fellow veterinary management specialists Philippe Baralon and Pere Mercader) encompasses some of the financial aspects of veterinary practice. It considers why we often shy away from talking about our prices, and offers some practical ways to positively communicate with our clients about the costs of veterinary treatment.

By Antje Blättner