Everyday challenges
This chapter will cover some difficult situations that a vet practitioner can face...
Published 19/03/2020
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This section provides some specific examples of different types of questions (open-ended, closed) to ask owners during consultations, as well as additional advice and practical examples to help you improve your listening skills.
The quality of the question determines the quality of the answer.
It is important to ask questions and actively listen until all facts are crystal clear.
Certainly, there are many questions a veterinarian can and will need to ask the client to collect a case history, but given the limited time available to each client, these questions should be well-considered – the quality of the question determines the quality of the answer. That means: think first about what do I want to know and why? Then formulate the appropriate question!
With the right types of questions you can:
We must not forget that the client is, on the one hand, a layman, but, on the other hand, he can find a lot of information on all sorts of subjects on the Internet – including the subject of animal health.
This means that clients are often “pre-informed” and come with a self-diagnosis or they present their “internet findings” and would like to discuss them with us. Nevertheless, the client needs our guidance and clear recommendations in order to work with us as a partner to design the best care for their animal.
Basically, there are several types of questions that are well suited for the consultation and can be used for a variety of purposes (Table 1).
Question type & examples
Suitable for...
Not suitable for...
The art of dialogue is to ask the right question at the right time inquiring about the reason for the consultation, as well as the client’s desires and needs, while at the same time not giving the client the feeling of being in an interrogation. How question techniques – together with active listening – can be implemented in dialogue, is shown in the next example dialogue.
Note: the quality of the question determines the quality of the answer!
Not only asking the right questions, but also the manner of listening, active clarification and feedback are important to connect with the client in order to really understand him, make suitable offers and win him as a partner. The partnership between veterinarian, practice team and clients is important because it is the basis of a successful business relationship! If the veterinarian alone decides diagnosis and therapy, the treatment itself is probably not worse, but the pet owner is merely the doctor’s assistant and not a genuine partner.
For a high level of compliance and client loyalty, however, it is essential that the veterinarian views the client as partner and aims to achieve goals (therapy, diagnostics, etc.) together with him.
This means that the vet practitioner should:
The following example dialogue shows how the following techniques like asking questions, listening, understanding, clarifying and feedback can be implemented in everyday practice:
Dr. V. asks this question to clarify why Mrs. S. is considering neutering her pet. This information is important in order to respond appropriately to the situation. Moreover, the statement “if I should have him neutered” is anything but clear, i.e., what exactly Mrs. S. means remains initially in the dark. Simply going over it and delivering standard advice ignores the client’s needs and wastes time.
In this dialogue, the veterinarian deliberately asks open questions until he is sure that he has enough information to offer a solution that suits the client’s needs and the present situation. He also listens carefully to what Mrs. Schmidt says and clarifies what exactly “restless” means by digging deeper with open questions. This is immensely important, because behind the initial symptoms described by Mrs. Schmidt there could also be a cardiological or internist issue. By asking questions, listening and giving feedback “How does that sound? / How does it work for you?”, the dialogue takes a good and mutually clear, open and satisfying direction (Figure 1).
Note: It is important to ask questions and actively listen until all facts are crystal clear.
Miguel Ángel Díaz
Miguel received a degree in Veterinary Science in 1990. After working at several clinics he opened his own clinic in 1992 Read more
Iván López Vásquez
Iván comes from a family of veterinarians; his father and older brother share the same passion. He obtained his degree from the Universidad de Concepción Read more
Cindy Adams
Cindy Adams is Professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences at the University of Calgary, Veterinary Medicine, Read more
Antje Blättner
Dr. Blaettner grew up in South Africa and Germany and graduated in 1988 after studying Veterinary Medicine in Berlin and Munich. Read more
This chapter will cover some difficult situations that a vet practitioner can face...
This last section focuses on the importance of teaching...
Vet practitioners frequently concentrate on the pet and forget about the owner…
Asking owners open-ended questions, especially at the beginning of a consultation...